warp game downlonload free

Warp - the stealth-action game by most golovolomok c. Players will experience yourself as a nice, Nr detrimental opasnogo opanzhevogo Firmware stranger named Zero. General Likhodei stole Zero from his home and mipa razmestil on podvodnyyu issledovatelskyyu station. Now an alien must malenkomu cplanirovat and osyschestvit escape, relying on an arsenal of shiroky their expertise: Warp, Frag, Echo,
Swap, and Launch.
- Sow haoc using inoplanetnye force - make your way through the tiers yyma c mnogoobpaznymi golovolomkami, applying, and at the same time sovershenstvyya special abilities.
- Warp - instantly teleport over Walls, barriers, and za vovnytr objects.
- Frag - teleport inside of objects or people and unichtozhayte them from the inside.
- Echo - Make your own copy, distracting the attention of enemies.
- Swap - Place your copy of the object and instantly places her pomenyaytes c.
- Launch - teleport inside the object, and run them away from you.
- Skpytnoct totalnoe or destruction - and otomstite kazhdomy vsem, destroying every pepsonal station, or else a cunning plan pridymayte and slip by unnoticed by all.

System requirements:
Opepatsionnaya System: XP, Vista, 7
Protsessop: Core 2 Duo - 2,0 GHz Athlon 64 libo X2 - 2,0 GHz
RAM: 2048 MB
Free space on disk zhestkom: 1728 MB
Videokapta: Radeon HD 3650 or GeForce 8600 GT, (256 MB)
File System: FAT, NTFS
Znachimo: pered ystanovkoy Antivipus disable and Firewall

Features Repack:
- Za basis the license by Electronic Arts -
- Audio kachestvo 100%
- Video kachestvo 100%
- Exclusive uctanovschik
- Ustanovka kazhdogo additional Softa (DirectX)
- All the way reectra sohpaneny
- Zapusk games chepez desktope libo label on the Start menu
- For uctanovki nyzhno 512 MB of RAM
- Ppiblizitelnoe the installation of 2 min (a, s)
- Game files are not touched
- On crack ZoG Forum Team.v 1.0 from 04/04/2012
- Logo razrabotchikov

Download Links:
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